omnistrate-ctl build
Build Services from image, compose spec or service plan spec
Build command can be used to build a service from image, docker compose, and service plan spec. It has two main modes of operation:
- Create a new service plan
- Update an existing service plan
Below info served as service plan identifiers:
- service name (--name, required)
- environment name (--environment, optional, default: Dev)
- environment type (--environment-type, optional, default: dev)
- service plan name (the name field of x-omnistrate-service-plan tag in compose spec file, required) If the identifiers match an existing service plan, it will update that plan. Otherwise, it'll create a new service plan.
This command has an interactive mode. In this mode, you can choose to promote the service plan to production by interacting with the prompts.
omnistrate-ctl build [--file=file] [--spec-type=spec-type] [--name=service-name] [--description=service-description] [--service-logo-url=service-logo-url] [--environment=environment-name] [--environment-type=environment-type] [--release] [--release-as-preferred] [--release-description=release-description][--interactive] [--image=image-url] [--image-registry-auth-username=username] [--image-registry-auth-password=password] [--env-var="key=var"] [flags]
# Build service from image in dev environment
omctl build --image --name MySQL --env-var "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password" --env-var "MYSQL_DATABASE=mydb"
# Build service with private image in dev environment
omctl build --image --name "My Service" --image-registry-auth-username username --image-registry-auth-password password --env-var KEY1:VALUE1 --env-var KEY2:VALUE2
# Build service with compose spec in dev environment
omctl build --file docker-compose.yml --name "My Service"
# Build service with compose spec in prod environment
omctl build --file docker-compose.yml --name "My Service" --environment prod --environment-type prod
# Build service with compose spec and release the service with a release description
omctl build --file docker-compose.yml --name "My Service" --release --release-description "v1.0.0-alpha"
# Build service with compose spec and release the service as preferred with a release description
omctl build --file docker-compose.yml --name "My Service" --release-as-preferred --release-description "v1.0.0-alpha"
# Build service with compose spec interactively
omctl build --file docker-compose.yml --name "My Service" --interactive
# Build service with compose spec with service description and service logo
omctl build --file docker-compose.yml --name "My Service" --description "My Service Description" --service-logo-url ""
# Build service with service specification for Helm, Operator or Kustomize in dev environment
omctl build --spec-type ServicePlanSpec --file service-spec.yml --name "My Service"
# Build service with service specification for Helm, Operator or Kustomize in prod environment
omctl build --spec-type ServicePlanSpec --file service-spec.yml --name "My Service" --environment prod --environment-type prod
# Build service with service specification for Helm, Operator or Kustomize as preferred
omctl build --spec-type ServicePlanSpec --file service-spec.yml --name "My Service" --release-as-preferred --release-description "v1.0.0-alpha"
--description string A short description for the whole service. A service can have multiple service plans.
--env-var stringArray Used together with --image flag. Provide environment variables in the format --env-var key1=var1 --env-var key2=var2
--environment string Name of the environment to build the service in (default "Dev")
--environment-type string Type of environment. Valid options include: 'dev', 'prod', 'qa', 'canary', 'staging', 'private') (default "dev")
-f, --file string Path to the docker compose file
-h, --help help for build
--image string Provide the complete image repository URL with the image name and tag (e.g.,
--image-registry-auth-password string Used together with --image flag. Provide the password to authenticate with the image registry if it's a private registry
--image-registry-auth-username string Used together with --image flag. Provide the username to authenticate with the image registry if it's a private registry
-i, --interactive Interactive mode
-n, --name string Name of the service. A service can have multiple service plans. The build command will build a new or existing service plan inside the specified service.
--release Release the service after building it
--release-as-preferred Release the service as preferred after building it
--release-description string Used together with --release or --release-as-preferred flag. Provide a description for the release version
--service-logo-url string URL to the service logo
-s, --spec-type string Spec type (default "DockerCompose")
Options inherited from parent commands
-o, --output string Output format (text|table|json) (default "table")
-v, --version Print the version number of omnistrate-ctl
- omnistrate-ctl - Manage your Omnistrate SaaS from the command line