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Omnistrate ctl subscription list

omnistrate-ctl subscription list

List Customer Subscriptions to your services


This command helps you list Customer Subscriptions to your services. You can filter for specific subscriptions by using the filter flag.

omnistrate-ctl subscription list [flags]


# List subscriptions of the service postgres and mysql in the prod environment
omctl subscription list -f="service_name:postgres,environment:prod" -f="service:mysql,environment:prod"


  -f, --filter stringArray   Filter to apply to the list of subscriptions. E.g.: key1:value1,key2:value2, which filters subscriptions where key1 equals value1 and key2 equals value2. Allow use of multiple filters to form the logical OR operation. Supported keys: subscription_id,service_id,service_name,plan_id,plan_name,environment,subscription_owner_name,subscription_owner_email,status. Check the examples for more details.
  -h, --help                 help for list
      --truncate             Truncate long names in the output

Options inherited from parent commands

  -o, --output string   Output format (text|table|json) (default "table")
  -v, --version         Print the version number of omnistrate-ctl